Welcome to the RedVector Online University
RedVector provides industry-leading eLearning for architecture, construction, engineering and facility management
professionals. Within this university site, enjoy access to engaging courses developed by our team of more than 100
subject matter experts.
RedVector’s online training is designed to sharpen your skills, keep you up to date with the latest codes and standards,
prepare you for exams and fulfill your continuing education (CE) requirements. With nearly 100 state and national
accreditations, RedVector training will help you meet obligations to renew a professional license, membership or
certification and comply with federal, state and other regulatory mandates.
This easy-to-use online portal is accessible 24/7. The courses are updated continuously and are delivered in a
compelling, interactive format to help you learn up-to-date information relevant to your field quickly and easily.
Once you have completed a course, RedVector will provide you with a certificate of completion, and when applicable,
RedVector will report a completion to the appropriate state organization.
Please login to begin searching for courses, or to take those already assigned to you.
We hope you find this delivery method a helpul and convenient company solution for training and development.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa McCabe at LMcCabe@chasolutions.com